While on a winter break trip to Lake Wenatchee and Leavenworth, we explored a snowshoe trail along Hatchery Creek just off of US Route 2. During the trip, Raymond lost one of the snow baskets from his trekking poles, making it a bit difficult for him to maneuver with just one pole that didn't sink into the snow. We were hoping to get to a small pond to see if it was frozen over, but we were running low on daylight (and energy!) so we didn't make it there, but we still had a great time exploring the peaceful winter wonderland.
GPS Info
We collected all of the following data from our GPS unit during the adventure:Maps
Elevation Profile
Coordinates and other details
| 1.4 Miles 01:45 1.9 Miles/Hr. N47° 40.694', W120° 44.085' |