Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blanca Lake Backpack

As a new (and very out-of-shape) scout leader, my first backpacking trip with the varsity team of unit 525 was to one of the most beautiful glacial-fed lakes in the Cascade Mountains.  More popular as a day hike (there aren't many developed campsites around the lake), Blanca Lake in the Henry M. Jackson Wilderness is absolutely idyllic.  The hike is an absolute grind however, with dozens of switchbacks climbing up 2600 feet of elevation gain..... in just two miles.  

If you want to see just how photogenic this lake and hike were, just point your browser here.

The Cascades reflect off of glass-like conditions on the Blanca Lake.  The green water comes from glacial silt deposited from the Columbia Glacier higher up in the Mountains

GPS Info

Unfortunately, I only got GPS data for the return trip, so total mileage reported needs to be doubled for a round trip trip of 6.0 miles.  Also, the elevation profile below only shows the descent out of Blanca Lake, but not the hike in from the day before.


This Google Map is provided by GPS Visualizer

Elevation Profile

This profile is provided by GPS Visualizer

Coordinates and other details

  • Mileage: 
  • Time: 
  • Average Speed: 
  • Trailhead Coordinates: 
3.0 Miles
2:52:58 (total),  1:56:21 (moving)
1.05 MPH (total), 1.55 MPH (moving)
47 54'55.0"N 121 18'45.0"W

If you would like to use this info with your GPS unit, the full GPX file is here.
If you want to view this in Google Earth, you can download the KMZ files of the track and a topographic overlay plugin.

Chain Lakes Loop

On the first day of autumn, Mike was able to get in one final Saturday of good weather for a day hike to give him over 50 miles of hiking in...