Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blaine Geocaching


Amelia participated in the 2010 Washington state math championship, in Blaine, Wa on the Canadian border.  During her testing, the rest of the family took the opportunity to do some geocaching in the area.  While we got a little wet in the drizzling rain, we enjoyed exploring this new area, bagging a few geocaches and also catching some of the views of the Strait of Georgia.

Raymond and Dad enjoy a view of the Georgia Strait from Point White Horn Marine Park

Geocaches Attempted

Traditional CacheBay WalkPassed
Traditional CacheBeach WayFound
Traditional CacheGrumblecache VII: Point Whitehorn WLTFound
Traditional CacheMersea Natives Faraway CacheNot Found
Traditional CacheMillennium TrailFound
Traditional CacheOver the EdgePassed
Traditional CachePark N Go CacheFound

GPS Info

We collected all of the following data from our GPS unit during the adventure:


This Google Map  is provided by GPS Visualizer


This profile is provided by GPS Visualizer

Coordinates and other details

  • Mileage:   
  • Time
  • Speed:
  • Coordinates:
20.7 Miles
7 Miles per Hour
N 48 59.639, W 122 44.146

If you would like to use this info with your GPS unit, the full GPX file is here.
If you want to view this in Google Earth, you can download the KMZ files of the track  and topographic overlay.

Chain Lakes Loop

On the first day of autumn, Mike was able to get in one final Saturday of good weather for a day hike to give him over 50 miles of hiking in...